Electronics for Education and Market Research


LED Display and Exhibition Boards Market Research Recorders and Loggers Electronic Measurement and Control Systems


Electronics for Education and Market Research

We design and supply custom electronic instrumentation for market research projects as well as electronic control units for demonstration and education. These include led display boards, recorders and loggers for gathering market research data from customers and products and custom control units for demonstration and educational projects.

Market Research Loggers and Recorders

Wireless Data Collection Module

We can supply small electronic units which can be fitted into existing products to collect customer usage data without changing the behavior of the user. These units can measure when, where and how the product is being used in real time. We provide techniques to transfer this to data to central collection points for collation. (see details ....)  

Units can be designed to log movement, orientation, temperature, handling and product operation as well as requesting information directly from the user.


Academic Measurement Instrumentation


Measurement Unit for undergraduate academic lab


We design and supply measurement instrumentation for university and school laboratories. These can be custom designed for specific experiments or designed for general use.



LED Display Boards

LED Display Board


We can design custom led display boards with processes or routes highlighted by flashing or cycling colored LEDs. Displays can have many groups of LEDs in a variety of colours  each activated by remote control or switched automatically by a microprocessor control unit. (see details....)


Electronics for Product Demonstration Units



Eco Shower Head Trial Unit

We design control electronics to demonstrate product operation. It can be fully automated or have user input via buttons to demonstrate different operations.(see details....)


If you require electronic data collection or measurement electronics for market research or educational projects please contact us and we will be pleased to discuss how we can help you to help your customers. Call Steve Edwards on 01582 434252 or email us on info@sesmee.co.uk. We will be happy to visit you at your site.





Registered Office, Unit C24, 110 BUTTERFIELD, GREAT MARLINGS, LUTON, LU2 8DL

Company Registration: England No. 3531322