Electronics for Education and Market Research


LED Display and Exhibition Boards Market Research Recorders and Loggers Electronic Measurement and Control Systems


Market Research Recorders and Loggers

We have developed techniques* and technologies to record customer's use of products or services automatically avoiding the effect that the logging would have on the customer's behavior. We custom design each solution to fit the customers product or action. the loggers can be fitted within existing products and can be as small as a fifty pence piece.

Three types of loggers are available

- loggers that record use of the product directly

- loggers that record actions or behavior of customer directly

- loggers that record customers reactions or answers to queries

Data collected by these loggers can be directly downloaded at the end of the trial or continually send to a remote location.


Wireless and Movement Market Research Loggers

* patent application  GB2409305 System to collect market research information   Edwards et al.


Small wireless logger with analogue inputs to record measurements.


Consumer product loggers to record when and how often products are used.

We can custom design both the hardware to fit into your existing or new products and the firmware to collect the data that you need for you projects. We can also development real time logging and central collection of data with the required analysis in suitable software packages.


If you have a market research project that requires you to collect data on product usage or user behavior then call us and we can discuss how our technology can help you to collect valuable data for your clients. Call Steve Edwards on 01582434252 or email us on info@sesmee.co.uk.